
Out factsheets are simple explanations about the Assembly, its history, and how it works. All factsheets are web accessible with print versions available to download on each page.

Factsheets on the budget cycle, active citizenship, and First Australians and the Assembly are being developed, so stay tuned!


All posters are ready-to-print A3 PDF files. If you're a teacher and would like a hardcopy for your class, email us.

Separation of powers in the ACT ( 381KB)

Australia's three levels of government ( 784KB)

How a bill becomes law ( 385KB)

Who's who in the Assembly ( 845KB)

What makes the Assembly unique? ( 840KB)

The committee inquiry process ( 428KB)

Classroom activities

After feedback from teachers, we're moving away from producing units of work and lesson plans. Instead, we're converting these into grab-and-go activities you can run in any classroom. This process is on-going, so check back soon!

Topic explainers

These are compact case studies that explore fascinating issues from the Assembly's history. Though they are tailored for secondary school audiences, they may be of interest to many others young and old!

We're in the process of developing these and expect them to be available from Term 2 in 2025 - check back then!


All videos open on Vimeo, the Assembly's video hosting platform.



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