Standing Committee on Legal Affairs

Secretary: Committee Office
Contact Email:
Contact Phone: (02) 62050127

Transcripts (Hansard)

Inquiries, papers and reports

10. Long Service leave (Private Sector) Bill 2003
Completed 02/03/2004 

09. Annual and Financial reports of the Dept of Justice and Community Safety and related agencies
Completed 10/02/2004 

08. Victims of Crime (Financial Assistance) Amendment Bill 2003
Completed 01/07/2003 

07. Changing the term of Assembly Members from three years to four years
Completed 23/10/2003 

06. Crimes (Industrial Manslaughter) Bill 2002
Completed 16/09/2003 

05. Annual and financial reports 2001-2002
Completed 18/02/2003 

04. The appropriateness of the size of the Legislative assembly for the ACT and options for changing the number of members, electorates and any other related matter
Completed 27/06/2002 

03. The operation of the Dangerous Goods Act 1975 with particular ref to fireworks
Completed 27/06/2002 

02. Standing order 259 and the inquiry into the operation of the Dangerous Goods Act 1975 with partiicular ref to fireworks
Completed 25/06/2002 

01. Priority issues for service delivery in Legal Affairs within the 2002-2003 Budget
Completed 09/04/2002