New inquiry into skateboarding and skate parks in the ACT

The Chair of the Assembly’s Education and Inclusion Committee, Michael Pettersson, today announced that the Committee would start an inquiry into skateboarding and skate parks.

Assembly Members have recently presented petitions to the Assembly supporting further investment in skate parks in the ACT.

The inquiry’s terms of reference include:

Full terms of reference are available at the Committee’s website.

Mr Pettersson said that “Skateboarding and skate parks allow people to have fun. But there is evidence that skateboarding and skate parks also give people a great way to socialise and develop networks to support them elsewhere in their lives.”

“The Committee wants to get feedback from people on what skateboarding and skate parks mean to them and to see how the ACT Government can improve facilities and other resources.”

The Committee is conducting an online survey and calling for submissions. Information on how to make a submission and access to the survey is also available at Committee’s website.

Online survey link

Submissions close on Friday, 23 June 2023.

The Committee will be available for a stand-up media conference at 12.00 noon on Thursday, 11 May 2023.

10 May 2023


For further information please contact:

Committee Chair, Mr Michael Pettersson MLA, on (02) 6205 0051

The Committee Secretary on (02) 620 75498 or at