Inquiry into responses to Auditor-General recommendations for reports 5/2017, 7/2019 and 6/2020

Today the Standing Committee on Public Accounts (the Committee) tabled a report on its Inquiry into responses to Auditor-General recommendations for reports 5/2017, 7/2019 and 6/2020.

The inquiry considered the government response to performance audit recommendations for the following Auditor-General reports:

‘The Committee found that significant progress has been made on each of the recommendations and findings contained within the three Auditor-General reports,’ said Committee Chair, Mrs Elizabeth Kikkert MLA.

The Committee’s report made 5 recommendations.

The Committee’s report is available on the Assembly’s webpage at:

Under the Assembly’s standing orders, the ACT Government is required to respond to committee reports within four months of tabling.

STATEMENT ENDS — Tuesday, 24 October 2023

For more information contact: Committee Secretary, Ms Sophie Milne on 620 50435