Lobbyist Details

Full Name: Sarah Isaac
Company Address:c/o 53 Alinga Street, Canberra Post Office, Canberra  ACT  2601
Phone Number/s: 0416 284 710
Email Address: isaac.sarah@outlook.com.au

Person/s authorised to conduct lobbying activity on behalf of company

Name: Address:
Sarah Isaacc/o 53 Alinga Street, Canberra Post Office, Canberra  ACT  2601

Previous public sector employment details of company director/s and authorised person/s

Name: Place and title of employment: Date of separation:

Client/s on whose behalf lobbying activity is, or may be, conducted

Name: Address:
Rwandan Association (Australia)28 Dibley Street, Woolloongabba  QLD  4102


December 2023