Lobbyist Details

Full Name: Amelia Metcalf
Company Address: Unit 2, 500 Crown Street, Surry Hills  NSW  2010
Phone Number/s: 0416 121 359
Email Address: amelia@bourkstreetadvisory.com
ABN: 54 075 139 609
Trading Name: Bourke Street Advisory

Person/s authorised to conduct lobbying activity on behalf of company

Name: Address:
Amelia MetcalfUnit 2, 500 Crown Street, Surry Hills  NSW  2010

Previous public sector employment details of company director/s and authorised person/s

Name: Place and title of employment: Date of separation:
Amelia MetcalfFederal Public ServiceSeptember 2016

Client/s on whose behalf lobbying activity is, or may be, conducted

Name: Address:
