Inquiry into the adequacy of the Legislative Assembly (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Act 2012

At its meeting on 9 June 2016 the Assembly passed the following resolution:


(1) in relation to the recommendations of the report on the 2016 Strategic Review of the ACT Auditor-General the following matters be referred to the following committees for inquiry and report:

(a) the Standing Committee on Administration and Procedure to:

(i) consider and make recommendations as to the continued relevance and adequacy of the provisions of the Legislative Assembly (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Act 2012;

(ii) consider and make recommendations relating to the capacity of the Office of the Legislative Assembly to provide administrative support to the Speaker in the performance of the Speaker’s role and functions in relation to the independent officers of the Legislative Assembly; and

(iii) consider and make recommendations on any other matters raised in the report the committee considers relevant according to its terms of reference; and

(b) the Standing Committee on Public Accounts to:

(i) consider and make recommendations regarding the establishment of a term of appointment for the ACT Auditor-General to be included in the Auditor-General Act 1996; and

(ii) consider and make recommendations on any other matters raised in the report the committee considers relevant according to its terms of reference; and

(2) the committees report to the Assembly by the last sitting day in August 2016."

Inquiry into provisions of the Legislative Assembly (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Act 2012 PDF (231.2 KB) Word (267.4 KB)