Petitions and people power

Lesson details

Inquiry: How and why do people participate in groups to achieve shared goals?

Learning objective: Students will understand what a petition is and how it can be used to raise awareness of community issues in the Legislative Assembly.

Curriculum links:

  • How people with shared beliefs and values work together to achieve a civic goal (ACHASSK118)
  • Work in groups to generate responses to issues and challenges (ACHASSI102)
  • Present ideas, findings, viewpoints and conclusions in a range of texts and modes that incorporate source materials, digital and non-digital representations and discipline-specific terms and conventions (ACHASSI105)

Complete print version including resources (PDF 247KB)

Resources you'll need for this lesson:

Penelope Primrose story (resource one); Petition discussion (worksheet one); Petition design (worksheet two).

Lesson orientation

Focus for the lesson is having the community voice heard through a petition to the Legislative Assembly.

Lesson body

Read Penelope Primrose (resource one), either individually or as a class.

PETITION EXAMPLE (Penelope Primrose story)

To: the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory.

This petition of certain residents of the Australian Capital Territory draws to the attention of the Assembly that footpaths in the ACT are not being fixed in a timely manner.

Your petitioners therefore request the Assembly change the Footpath Safety Laws to ensure footpaths are fixed within one week.

Underneath that is a long list of names, addresses and signatures.

Create your own petition—Students could work in pairs or small groups to brainstorm ideas for a petition on an issue they are concerned about in the school.

Activity one

Using worksheet one, students need to discuss:

Activity two

Using worksheet two, students will complete one of two activity options:

Additional petition resources

Lesson extension

The petition could be a real issue at school that could be lodged with the school leadership team or your school parliament (student representative council (SRC)). Students collect signatures over a period of time (eg. 1 week) during breaks. Count the signatures after the time period has closed, find a member of the school parliament (SRC) who will sponsor the petition and present it as a member of the school parliament.

Lesson reflection

Students to reflect on how the community can raise issues and have their voices heard by Members of the Legislative Assembly through the petition process.

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