Role play script

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Standing orders (rules) for school debates

Division results recording sheet

(All members stand)

(Serjeant-at-Arms and Speaker enter the Assembly chamber)

Serjeant-at-Arms: Members, the Speaker

(Serjeant-at-Arms stands at their chair)

Speaker: I acknowledge that we are meeting on the lands of the Ngunnawal people, the traditional custodians. I respect their continuing culture and the unique contribution they make to the life of this area. I would ask members to stand in silence and pray or reflect on their responsibilities to the people of the Australian Capital Territory.

(Speaker sits after 5 seconds silence, all members and Clerks sit)

Speaker: Thank you. Clerk, please read out the title of the Bill.

(Clerk stands)

Clerk: The Children and Young People (Curfew) Bill.

(Clerk sits)

Speaker: I call on the Chief Minister to speak.

(Chief Minister stands)

Chief Minister: Thank you, Mr/Madam Speaker. The Government believes a curfew on children who are under 14 years old will help them to get more sleep so they are not too tired at school each day.

[Insert any further prepared speech notes as required]

(Chief Minister sits)

Speaker: I call on the Deputy Chief Minister to speak.

(Deputy Chief Minister stands)

Deputy Chief Minister: Thank you, Mr/Madam Speaker. Children will benefit from being at home in the evenings to spend time with their family. They can do things together such as play games, read books and get help with their homework.

[Insert any further prepared speech notes as required]

(Deputy Chief Minister sits)

Speaker: I call on Minister 1 to speak.

(Minister 1 stands)

Minister 1: Thank you, Mr/Madam Speaker. A curfew for children will mean they can be kept safe from crimes that happen in our city at night.

[Insert any further prepared speech notes as required]

(Minister 1 sits)

Speaker: Thank you everyone. I’d now like to call on the Opposition Leader speak.

(Opposition Leader stands)

Opposition Leader: Thank you, Mr/Madam Speaker. The Opposition will not be supporting this Bill. Parents look after their children and should be able to decide what time they should be home and when they go to bed.

[Insert any further prepared speech notes as required]

(Opposition Leader sits)

Speaker: I call on the Deputy Opposition Leader to speak.

(Deputy Opposition Leader stands)

Deputy Opposition Leader: Thank you, Mr/Madam Speaker. As children get older they should be able to have a say in what activities they do at night. It is not always possible to be home by 8pm and in bed by 9pm.

[Insert any further prepared speech notes as required]

(Deputy Opposition Leader sits)

Speaker: I call on Opposition member 1 to speak.

(Opposition member 1 stands)

Opposition member 1: Thank you, Mr/Madam Speaker. Children who are home by 8pm will have less chance to participate in theatre, art and other cultural events which often happen in the evening.

[insert any further prepared speech notes as required]

(Opposition member 1 sits)

Speaker: I call on crossbench member 1 to speak.

(Crossbench member 1 stands)

Crossbench 1: Thank you, Mr/Madam Speaker. We agree with the Government, children need to be kept safe and have plenty of sleep as they are growing up.

[Insert any further prepared speech notes as required]


Crossbench 1: Thank you, Mr/Madam Speaker. We agree with the Opposition and will not be supporting this Bill. It is not the role of the Government to decide when children should be at home and in bed.

[insert any further prepared speech notes as required]

Crossbench member 1 sits

Speaker: Are there any further members who wish to speak on the Bill?

[Speaker to select a member who is standing up]

(Members wishing to speak stand, selected member remains standing to speak, all other members who were standing sit again)

Member: Thank you, Mr/Madam Speaker.

[Student to say what they would like to say]

(Member sits)

[Repeat the process until all members who would like to speak have had a chance to present their case, remember everyone only gets 1 chance to speak. Once everyone has had a chance to speak the Bill moves to the vote]

Speaker: Members, should this Bill be agreed to in principle?

Speaker: Members who say yes, please raise your hands. Clerks please count the votes.

(Clerk and Deputy Clerk write number of yes votes on a piece of paper. Remember the Speaker gets a vote and in this case and would be voting yes with the Government so don’t forget to count them also.)

Speaker: Members who say no, please raise your hands. Clerks please count the votes.

(Clerk and Deputy Clerk write number of no votes on a piece of paper, check that they have the same number for each vote (yes and no). If not you will need recount.)

(Clerk to give the Speaker the piece of paper telling them how many people voted yes and how many voted no.)

(Speaker will announce the result.)


Members, the result is:

Yes = [insert number] votes
No = [insert number] votes

(if there are more yes votes)

Speaker: The Bill is passed by the Assembly


(if there are more no votes)

Speaker: The Bill is not passed by the Assembly