First public hearings for drugs of dependence inquiry

The Committee will today start its public hearings for the inquiry.

The Committee will hear from individuals who have experienced a family member using drugs of dependence. The hearing will run from 1.30 pm to 4 pm in the Prince Edward Island Room in the Legislative Assembly building. It will be live streamed at ACT Legislative Video On Demand.

Tomorrow, the Committee will hear from medical and legal experts, as well as the Alcohol, Tobacco and Other Drug Association ACT and the Australian Federal Police Association. This hearing will run from 1 pm to 4 pm in the Prince Edward Island Room.

Details are available at Public hearings schedule - ACT Legislative Assembly.

The Bill seeks to amend the Drugs of Dependence Act 1989 to lower the penalty for simple drug offences (i.e., the possession of small quantities of drugs such as MDMA, cocaine and heroin). It also provides for simple drug offences to be treated in the same way in which the Act treats simple cannabis offences.

The Committee is examining the Bill, policy best practice, the impacts of current ACT policy, and funding for drug control and harm reduction.

The Committee has received over 50 submissions for the inquiry. Further hearings are expected later in July.

8 July 2021


For further information in relation to the Select Committee on the Drugs of Dependence (Personal Use) Amendment Bill 2021, please contact:

Committee Chair, Mr Peter Cain MLA on (02) 6205 1927

Committee Secretary on (02) 6205 0129 or at