Welcome to the COVID-19 2021 pandemic response Committee homepage.

Committee members

Deputy Chair

Contact the committee

You can contact the committee by email LACommitteeCOVID19@parliament.act.gov.au or by calling the Secretary, Dr David Monk, on (02) 6205 0129.

Resolution of establishment

At its meeting on Thursday, 16 September 2021, the Assembly passed the following resolution:


(1) in response to the August 2021 outbreak of COVID-19 in the ACT, a select committee be appointed to consider and report to the Assembly on any matter relating to the ACT Government’s health and financial response and any other matter relating to the COVID-19 pandemic as it relates to the ACT;

(2) the committee be composed of:

  1. one Member to be nominated by the Government;
  2. one Member to be nominated by the Opposition; and
  3. one Member to be nominated by The Greens;

to be notified in writing by each whip to the Speaker by close of business on 16 September 2021;

(3) an Opposition Member shall be elected chair of the committee by the committee;

(4) in conducting public hearings, the committee shall be mindful of the Public Health Emergency declaration, including that:

  1. all efforts are made to minimise the time witnesses are required to be present by scheduling designated hearing times, advising in advance which witnesses the committee wishes to call or topics that will be discussed, and other measures that minimise impact on essential government, non-government, business or other witness’s organisational resources;
  2. where a public hearing is scheduled requiring government ministers and/or officials, hearings are not held at the same time as National Cabinet, a meeting of the ACT Government Cabinet, or when another committee of the Assembly is holding hearings, or on a sitting day of the Assembly, and:
    1. these are to be held no more than once per fortnight for a maximum of two hours, with no directorate/agency or minister to appear for more than an hour; and
    2. the committee must advise of the ministers, directorates and officers required and the committee’s intended lines of inquiry no less than one week prior;
  3. hearings are held virtually or via secure teleconference until such time as health declarations permit face-to-face hearings;
  4. the above provisions only apply during the Public Health Emergency declaration; and
  5. the committee members endeavour to seek broad input from a range of community members and organisations into the COVID response;

(5) for the purposes of this committee’s operation, standing order 254D does not apply; and

(6) the committee deliver its final report no later than the last sitting day of 2021.”.

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Inquiry Date startedStatus
Inquiry into the COVID-19 2021 pandemic response 16 September 2021 2 December 2021

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