The Office of the Clerk


5 February 2015


In the business of democracy

Statistics from the 2014 sitting year

The Legislative Assembly has released its 2014 summary of parliamentary business. The report, The Business of the Assembly, covers the breadth of work conducted by the Assembly in both the chamber and its committees.

Tom Duncan, Clerk of the Assembly, believes that transparency is important. “One of our roles as custodians of the parliament is to record and highlight the important work of the institution we serve. It’s a critical aspect of accountability, a robust democracy, and a healthy parliament”, he said.

“This report, released each year details progress of bills, the work of committees, motions, Speaker’s rulings and statements, ministerial statements, and petitions presented,” said Mr Duncan.

Some of the interesting figures from this year’s summary and other statistics include:

The report is available on the Assembly’s website.